

dilluns, 4 de maig del 2015

A small/smart learning space.

During 4 days UPC organize the international event for IT Staff. Today the main topic was SMARTCITIES and all what is connected with it. Our school was invited to that event as winners of the last MLA'15. Since we have been there we didn't understand what for. After listening very interesting and motivating talks we realized that we were very useful there. They talk about projects in the next 10 years, working as a team, collaborate, share,.... , they are expecting from future university students the skills (soft skills) we are providing them in the aulABP. And on top of that in 10 years, our students will be in their working teams solving problems and transforming cities into SMARTcities. For us it has been a prize to take part in that event and a pleasure to see that the way started with our aulABP will be the way to prepare students for their smartFUTURE.

Once you enter in a classroom you can be active or passive. Of course teachers try to make students actives but sometimes the layout doesn't help at all. At the moment that you find the good combination between methodology, curricula and layout you can invite them to be active and to introduce them in a live learning experience.
What above mentioned is what we tried to explain in our video that was awarded as first prize in the Mobile Learning Awards 2015 organized by GSMA together with the Catalan Department of Education.
If you're a little bit curious and want to visualize the difference between an ordinary classroom and the aulABP just click in the presentation.
One tip: words are the same in both slides, then, where is the difference?

Here you can see the video where five students recorded their learning process

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